Saturday, February 12, 2011

And now for something completely different...

'ello, Lovelies!

I've noticed that my posts are becoming rather scattered as of late...


anyway, I'm finally completely alone (accept for an off-duty houseparent) since I've been home, and joyous am I!

my house has always been very calm, clean and just plain quiet, so whenever I can get that here I try to enjoy it to the fullest.


in other news, I'm going vegan for a week, starting monday.
I've been wanting to do it for a while (though I'd never made much progress, accept the occasional summer day when I would spend all day outside reading about it, and then (when I was younger then I am now) my blood sugar would become all askew from eating little to nothing all day) and now I have an actual reason to, for I am doing it as a project for my nutrition class (along with a report, of course.)


people have returned.
