Sunday, March 27, 2011

A good many things, but mostly just three.

'ello loves!

goodness, it has been quite a long time, has it not?

to get us rolling right along here:

Thing the First: I have learned (throughout the afore-mentioned "being vegan week") that it is nearly impossible to do so when you are eating the foods an entire community eats, and you can't bloody plan your own menu (yes, indeed, we partake in "menu-planning" for the week at my lovely boarding school) and you aren't buying and making your own food (though some people had taken the time to actually make vegan food, thanks a lot to them).

Thing the Second: I'm home! and I've been so for over a week now, though it hardly feels like it. *tangent* and you know my very favourite part about being home? when people ask you a question while you're eating lunch or dinner or something, and then everyone stops and stares at you, waiting for a very-detailed answer. and usually, it's the same question they asked last time you were home. and before that. and then, other people ask the same bloody questions, and it goes on and on and on and it drives me bloody well INSANE! and then, oh, and then, they have the absolute gaul to ask when I'm leaving, which is not exactly something I feel absolutely joyous about... *un-tangent*

Thing the Third: today, I fell in love with the art of Margaret Wall-Romana ( AMAZING!
