Thursday, December 30, 2010

No Shyte... (the third) or, Daydreaming...

'ello, loves~

oddly enough, it has been POURING all morning.
I personally, adore rain more then anyone else on earth (don't deny it) and all I want to do is sit outside under an umbrella and read a book and drink black tea, but the ground is covered with snow! (up to my knees, and waaay higher because of plowing.)

so, what to do?

I plan to clean my room, make a chai (recipe at the end), walk to the library, and peruse through my new favourite blog, a cup of jo. (

as it is now three days after this blog was supposed to be posted, all of these things have been completed.


the place where I was born and currently reside (accept when I'm at boarding school) is infested with squirrels.
one absolutely cannot grow a decent garden/lawn/potted plant without holes all over.
not that I really ever cared, mostly my mum.

the place where I go to boarding school has zero squirrels, only chipmunks.
and let me tell you, loves, chipmunks are about the most un-interesting creatures on earth, compared to squirrels.
recently, I've taken to walking to the local public library near my house, and I get a little thrill whenever I see a squirrel.

and speaking of which, my lovely walk was made even lovelier when it rained all day, making it so that the sidewalks were nearly all clear, and when they weren't, making a delightful excuse to walk in the street (which is really much nicer and prettier then the sidewalks.)



the aforesaid recipe for Chai Tea.

firstly, you must boil water, but only as much as you think you'll drink. I often figure this by taking the vessel I intend to drink out of, pour an ideal amount of water into it (leaving room for soy milk!) and pour that into a kettle, boil it, pour the boiled water over the tea bag(s) into the very same mug you used to measure the water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

timing it absolutely does not work, I'm afraid to say. if you must know, timing the brewing process puts mental pressure on the tea-bag, and it trips over its own feet trying to hurry to make the time.
poor thing.

after that's been done, pour in the soymilk, again not measuring because you're a unique little snowflake and you probably have different tastes and teas and flavours of soymilk.
and stuff.

then, add the teensiest little bit honey to it, and stir it all together.

there you have it!


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Shyte! (the second) or, How Doth One Write Thyself a Book?

'ello, Loves!
does anyone else find that, when they spend a night listening/viewing someone with an accent, (or someone with a voice, really) they start to think in that person's voice?

no shyte.

for some time now, I've fancied writing a book.
I have absolutely no idea of where to begin, or how to begin, or what it would be about, I only know that, indeed, I should greatly like to write a book.

has anyone ever heard of NANOWRIMO? (
I've done that once, and let me tell you, it was incredibly difficult. I ended up writing 4,000 words of my 10,000 word-count goal thingo.
twas a novel, indeed, about a girl living in a house, all alone, accept for a schizophrenic figure of a friend, who helps the girl (who is refered to as such throughout the entire book) overcome her fear of remembering her life before she was 15.
insane, no?
and also, she has a stalker.

if I were to write a book, for real, I would want to write it half about the thoughts in my head (NOT journal style, that shyte is way too over-used (but perhaps, now that I think of it, a personage unlike myself writing a blog of sorts...?)) and half fictional novel-esque sort of thing, neither one being at all related to each other.

my problem is commitment. with nanowrimo (TM, or something) I got stuck halfway through the month, and almost gave up.

I totally suck, right?

Ever thine... x

why does the world hate me so much as to deposit me with the yearning for veganism, but the deathly allergy of nuts?


you know who I love?

Emilie Autumn.

her book is the one journal-style that is original.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No Shyte! or, What The Bloody Hell?


does anyone actually know how to begin a blog?
no, seriously, does anyone actually know?

it's not like you can skip of singing,
'Dear online diary that anyone in the world can read, but most people just choose not to, today I scampered into a sunshine-filled meadow and kissed flowers all afternoon, and then I met a sparkly creep, and he was staring at this emo chick, and, like, they weren't even saying anything to each other, and she was just looking at the sky, and then he growled at me and jumped in front of the girl, and she just kept staring, and then I went home. the end!'
or something... foolish children, the lot of you!



'ello, loves!
I've returned from boarding school, back to my home, and I'm having a dandy time. just dandy.
(does anyone say that, either?)
have you ever gotten the feeling like, oh yeah, I'm probably never going to see those people ever again ever, and then one of them calls you and invites you for tea at your teacher's house?
no shyte!
that actually happened to me, indeed it did!
it was really quite delightful.

I hate how deadened something sounds when you use only one period, but it sounds weird if you use three periods, and you've already over-used exclamation points, so...
it's like a...
I can't even think of what it's like.
that's how weird it is.

this was actually going to have a point, but of course I can't remember.
four minutes till midnight.
does anyone else still get a little excited about that?

have yourselves a good cup of tea, loves.

this post was actually going to be how Emilie Autumn taught me how to read out loud, and now I can connect almost anything to one of her poems.
example: "taught me to read out loud..." made me think of Little Boy, when she says "you taught me to lie, and you taught me to hide, to tremble at the telephone, to scream, but never cry..." the subjects are obviously unrelated, but... does anyone else get what I mean?

Midnight, bitch.

Monday, December 20, 2010

No shyte!

well, then...

it's been a while, has it not?
---sort of humiliating, really...


I've started up a new project!

in which, I take anything that comes into my head (things you wouldn't normally talk about, stuff like that...), squish it into something slightly art-ish, write it over the pages of a book, and leave it somewhere.

I still don't know where yet.

isn't that so deliciously pompous of me?


Solemn Pig has been rather camera-shy as of late, so I'll share this bit of knowledge

Solemn Pig is a bunny-rabbit. it happened.