Thursday, December 30, 2010

No Shyte... (the third) or, Daydreaming...

'ello, loves~

oddly enough, it has been POURING all morning.
I personally, adore rain more then anyone else on earth (don't deny it) and all I want to do is sit outside under an umbrella and read a book and drink black tea, but the ground is covered with snow! (up to my knees, and waaay higher because of plowing.)

so, what to do?

I plan to clean my room, make a chai (recipe at the end), walk to the library, and peruse through my new favourite blog, a cup of jo. (

as it is now three days after this blog was supposed to be posted, all of these things have been completed.


the place where I was born and currently reside (accept when I'm at boarding school) is infested with squirrels.
one absolutely cannot grow a decent garden/lawn/potted plant without holes all over.
not that I really ever cared, mostly my mum.

the place where I go to boarding school has zero squirrels, only chipmunks.
and let me tell you, loves, chipmunks are about the most un-interesting creatures on earth, compared to squirrels.
recently, I've taken to walking to the local public library near my house, and I get a little thrill whenever I see a squirrel.

and speaking of which, my lovely walk was made even lovelier when it rained all day, making it so that the sidewalks were nearly all clear, and when they weren't, making a delightful excuse to walk in the street (which is really much nicer and prettier then the sidewalks.)



the aforesaid recipe for Chai Tea.

firstly, you must boil water, but only as much as you think you'll drink. I often figure this by taking the vessel I intend to drink out of, pour an ideal amount of water into it (leaving room for soy milk!) and pour that into a kettle, boil it, pour the boiled water over the tea bag(s) into the very same mug you used to measure the water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

timing it absolutely does not work, I'm afraid to say. if you must know, timing the brewing process puts mental pressure on the tea-bag, and it trips over its own feet trying to hurry to make the time.
poor thing.

after that's been done, pour in the soymilk, again not measuring because you're a unique little snowflake and you probably have different tastes and teas and flavours of soymilk.
and stuff.

then, add the teensiest little bit honey to it, and stir it all together.

there you have it!


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