Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Shyte! (the second) or, How Doth One Write Thyself a Book?

'ello, Loves!
does anyone else find that, when they spend a night listening/viewing someone with an accent, (or someone with a voice, really) they start to think in that person's voice?

no shyte.

for some time now, I've fancied writing a book.
I have absolutely no idea of where to begin, or how to begin, or what it would be about, I only know that, indeed, I should greatly like to write a book.

has anyone ever heard of NANOWRIMO? (
I've done that once, and let me tell you, it was incredibly difficult. I ended up writing 4,000 words of my 10,000 word-count goal thingo.
twas a novel, indeed, about a girl living in a house, all alone, accept for a schizophrenic figure of a friend, who helps the girl (who is refered to as such throughout the entire book) overcome her fear of remembering her life before she was 15.
insane, no?
and also, she has a stalker.

if I were to write a book, for real, I would want to write it half about the thoughts in my head (NOT journal style, that shyte is way too over-used (but perhaps, now that I think of it, a personage unlike myself writing a blog of sorts...?)) and half fictional novel-esque sort of thing, neither one being at all related to each other.

my problem is commitment. with nanowrimo (TM, or something) I got stuck halfway through the month, and almost gave up.

I totally suck, right?

Ever thine... x

why does the world hate me so much as to deposit me with the yearning for veganism, but the deathly allergy of nuts?


you know who I love?

Emilie Autumn.

her book is the one journal-style that is original.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hmm. I've never heard of this website, I shall have to do a little investigating. I'm hooked on writing myself, just need a good kick to get me going.

    By the way, I'm still waiting to see Solemn Pig. I want to ask him why he is so solemn.

    An avid reader of your wonderfully strange blog.
    - TSG

    P.S. Emilie Autumn is a visionary.

    P.P.S. Excuse that mess I wrote previous. I made a spelling error. I happen to be a spelling Nazi as well as a Strange Girl.

  3. herro, sweetheart! we are quite alike in the way of being a spelling/grammar Nazi... except for beginning sentences, as you can prolly tell...!

    ah! yesh, Solemn Pig has consented to having his portrait put up, which you can view as a post. (can I tell you a secret about him? he's actually a bunny!)

    I'm quite glad you enjoy my blog!

    heaps of thanks for your comment!
