Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No Shyte! or, What The Bloody Hell?


does anyone actually know how to begin a blog?
no, seriously, does anyone actually know?

it's not like you can skip of singing,
'Dear online diary that anyone in the world can read, but most people just choose not to, today I scampered into a sunshine-filled meadow and kissed flowers all afternoon, and then I met a sparkly creep, and he was staring at this emo chick, and, like, they weren't even saying anything to each other, and she was just looking at the sky, and then he growled at me and jumped in front of the girl, and she just kept staring, and then I went home. the end!'
or something... foolish children, the lot of you!



'ello, loves!
I've returned from boarding school, back to my home, and I'm having a dandy time. just dandy.
(does anyone say that, either?)
have you ever gotten the feeling like, oh yeah, I'm probably never going to see those people ever again ever, and then one of them calls you and invites you for tea at your teacher's house?
no shyte!
that actually happened to me, indeed it did!
it was really quite delightful.

I hate how deadened something sounds when you use only one period, but it sounds weird if you use three periods, and you've already over-used exclamation points, so...
it's like a...
I can't even think of what it's like.
that's how weird it is.

this was actually going to have a point, but of course I can't remember.
four minutes till midnight.
does anyone else still get a little excited about that?

have yourselves a good cup of tea, loves.

this post was actually going to be how Emilie Autumn taught me how to read out loud, and now I can connect almost anything to one of her poems.
example: "taught me to read out loud..." made me think of Little Boy, when she says "you taught me to lie, and you taught me to hide, to tremble at the telephone, to scream, but never cry..." the subjects are obviously unrelated, but... does anyone else get what I mean?

Midnight, bitch.

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