Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Poetry, and other unrelated things... or, I'm a canadian at heart

‘ello, Loves!

How is your weekend going?

Today, Sunday, might just be my favourite day of the week (making a tie with Saturday.)
It is the day when we can sleep in till 9:30 in the morning and have brunch. We soon after have Community Work, which makes me feel productive, and then we have the rest of the day to lounge around and do whatever until dinner and study hall.
It is the day when many people are out shopping for whatever they might need, be it toothpaste or shaving cream or socks, and very few people are left at the school.
I grew up as an only child (both of my siblings are quite a bit older, and moved out) and my family is very mellow, so I love it. I also love staying home alone, and quietness, and that’s the closest I can get.

I’ve just made myself a batch of about seven different kinds of teas, all of them very random but surprisingly ok.

Speaking of which, something I discovered within the first few days of returning to school is that it is impossible to make decent chai tea with Silk soymilk. The vanilla/sugar/whatever-is-in-it-to-make-it-sweet completely ruins it, sadly…


At my school, we have “Creative Expression,” and “Physical Expression,” and book groups every Wednesday instead of regular classes, something I quite enjoy.
(a note on this, my week-mantra is that you try as hard as you can not to think about Monday, and then Tuesday is almost Wednesday, and then Wednesday means the week is almost over, and then Thursday is almost Friday, and Friday is almost the weekend.)
Currently, my CE is poetry writing, which I quite enjoy.
Our most recent assignment is to write a poem to be entered into a local contest, the subject of which must be upon humanity or nature or what it means to be alive and in nature and any combination of anything of that sort.
The prizes for the winners are pretty cool, 50$ for 1st prize, 25$ for 2nd and 15$ for 3rd.

The judges are legit poets, which I think is pretty cool.

I quite like this subject, because I can be quite bitter.

Pretty much all of the poetry I’ve written has been a bit bitter, a bit sarcastic even, but I try as hard as I can for them to show the thoughtfulness that I actually put into them, and to avoid as much as possible having them fit snuggly into the “emo poetry” category.
I’m sorry to say that I really rather abhor it. but I quite enjoy the word “abhor”.


I’m from the united states, and I’m incredibly embarrassed to be from here. I truly am.
Of course, I can appreciate the safety and freedom of it, but at least once a day I think to myself, “I gotta get out of here.”

Maybe not that often, necessarily, but often enough.

But for now, I can’t, so I’ve decided to commit myself to changing my vocabulary from things like “eggplant” to “aubergine” and “zee” to “zed”.

(the latter, of course, was a matter of pronunciation.)

And I’m trying my hardest to (in my opinion) correctly spell things like “neighbour,” instead of “neighbor” and “grey,” instead of “gray”.

I shall post a list of words and such that I can find, and please correct me if I make a mistake.


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