Monday, January 3, 2011

Things to do with Solemn Pig...

'ello loves!

I've recently gotten hung up on Solemn Pig, and I felt he needed a story.

As do we all.

Once, in a far off land (perhaps japan or italy or Australia, but no one really knows), the widowed Mother Rabbit had a second batch of baby bunnies. Amongst this batch was Solemn Pig, named for his eternal somberness, but also his great physical similarity to Piglet, from the other bunnies favourite story, Whinnie the Pooh. He was indeed, quite somber, and was generally left alone to his own musings by the other bunnies. He didn't mind much, for he liked the quiet. He wasn't allowed to wander too far off, always in view of the other bunnies, and he didn't mind that much either, for he felt safer knowing he wasn't completely alone. one day, as he was sitting in a cherry tree daydreaming and watching the bunnies play, a crow flew down next to Solemn Pig.
"good day to you," said the crow, for he was a very polite personage.
"good day," replied Solemn Pig, equally as polite, but little unsure, because he knew he wasn't to speak to strangers.
"what are you doing up here by yourself? why aren't you playing with the other little rabbits?" the crow asked.
"their simple games do not interest me. I prefer the quiet and the gentle. they don't understand me." said Solemn Pig, sighing.
"poor dear. come now, you're young. don't you yearn for adventure? don't you wish for a life other then this?"
said Solemn Pig, "I suppose so... but where would I go? where would accept me, for all my soberness? All I ask for is someone to understand me, my ways, my hopes and needs. where can I go to find this?"
the wise old crow thought for a moment. in this youthful little bunny-rabbit, he saw an ancient soul, exhausted from endless wandering. "no one can truly find that, Solemn Pig. the world is full of pain and unhappiness, but it is also full of love and joy. no one can look for just love, just joy, for they will be disappointed at the lack of perfection, possibly growing bitter, finding themselves unable to love or be loved. to exist, the universe requires equality, balance and order. those three things are what you must search for. Worry not for your future, Solemn Pig. I can see great possibilities in you!" and with that, the old crow flew off into the skies.

the end.

now go tell it to your kids!


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